

Having Trouble Logging In?

Follow this guide to help you use the ITTIFY™ App 

1. How Do I Confirm I have a business account?
  1. Log into Instagram on the phone
  2. Go to settings (It can be found as the gear icon on your profile).
  3. If you see section called Business Settings then it is connected.
  4. If you see a row item that says Switch to Business Profile then you have not connected.


**If you want a business account, click here

2. Confirm your Facebook Page is linked via the Instagram app and confirm your Instagram Business profile is connected to the right Facebook page:
  1. Open the Instagram app
  2. Tap Edit Profile
  3. Tap Page
  4. Select the Facebook Page you want to associate with this Instagram account. If you do not have a Facebook Page. tap “Create a New Facebook Page” and follow the instructions on Instagram.
Step1 applogin
Step 2 applogin
Step 3 app login
3. In the case that you have tried logging in before connecting your facebook please follow these steps
  1. Go into your Facebook app
  2. Go under settings
  3. Navigate to business integrations
  4. Remove Ittify
  5. Try logging into your the app again
4. If you have this pop-up when you during login please follow the following steps.
  1. Head over to your edit profile in Instagram, check if there is a page linked to your account. 
  2. If there is none you will need to create one and if there is, you need to be the admin of the page or create/select a new page.
  3. Give it a minute after creating and you may try to login into our app again.
Facebook not linked Error
5. If you have this pop-up when you during login please follow the following steps.
  1. Head over to your Facebook account( On PC). Navigate to Settings -> Personal Information
  2. You should see a verify email button or if you don’t have email attached you need to add as show below.
  3. Give it a minute after creating and you may try to login into our app again


App Error